The Present Perfect Continuous is used to describe recently completed, or just completed actions, actions that are continuing right now, or repeated actions over time. You will need to be able to use both FOR & SINCE correctly in this tense. The following tutorials will take you through the different ways we use this tense and introduce you to some of the differences between the Simple & Continuous.

An Introduction to Present Perfect Continuous

In this video lesson, you will be introduced to the different reasons why the Present Perfect Continuous tense is used, the grammatical form and the importance of both FOR & SINCE.

Recently Completed Actions

When an action has only just, or recently ended, we use the Present Perfect Continuous form without FOR & SINCE. We are not describing the duration of the action, just the fact that it has recently ended.

The Action Continues NOW

Because you are describing a continuing action, it is important to include a time period or a duration of time. So, you need to use FOR & SINCE here.

Repeated Actions Over Time

FOR & SINCE are both used here to help describe time periods over a continuing period to help you describe how long a repeated action has been continuing for. You will also learn how and why it is important to use 'FOR ABOUT' as well.

Present Continuous vs Present Perfect Continuous

What are the differences between the Present Continuous and the Present Perfect Continuous? Is the action still continuing or has it now finished?

Find out more here.

Present Perfect Continuous vs Present Perfect

What are the main differences between Present Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect Simple?

What is more important? The Action OR The Result of the action?

Present Perfect Continuous Worksheets (2).pdf
Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect Simple (1).pdf

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