Lesson 3 is all about Figurative Language. Using your language to create interesting descriptions of objects, people and places which will really enhance your speaking skills.

An Introduction to Figurative Language

Figurative Language just means using your language skills creatively in a way that help you to describe things in ways that other people can visualize easily.

Using Metaphors for Indirect Comparisons

For some, life is a journey.

But what does this actually mean and how do we use metaphors. In this lesson you will be introduced to some common and very interesting metaphors.

Use Simile for Making Direct Comparisons

Similes are used to make direct comparisons between 2 different things and are used to associate the properties of one thing with another.

What do you think when you hear someone described as being a pig?

How to use Metaphor in IELTS

Learn how to compare everyday actions and objects with unrelated ideas that create imaginative and compelling descriptions.

Describing People with Metaphors

Describing people in more interesting ways.

Learn how to describe your friends, family or work colleagues with a Metaphor.

Also, practice comparing yourself to a famous person or character from the movies.

Describing Place & Experiences with Metaphors

Places and Experiences are very common IELTS topics, so you must be able to describe locations and your feelings towards them

There are some great Metaphors that you can use very naturally and I will show how in this lesson.

Create Your Own Metaphors

You can create your own Metaphors simply by making comparisons between current events and objects or people.

In this lesson, I will show you how to create a new Metaphor from current events and topical subjects.